“The celebration of Mass is an act of the whole assembly gathered for worship. In the
Mass, the Church is joined to the action of Christ. We are joined to this divine action
through Baptism, which incorporates us into the risen Christ. This action, which lies at “the
center of the whole of Christian life” (General Instruction of theRoman Missal [GIRM],
no.16), is initiated not by us but by God acting in and through the Church as the
Body of the risen Christ.” (USCCB)
The Ministry of Hospitality is a gift of service.
Men and women age 13 to adult are welcome to join this ministry. Children 12 and under may serve with a responsible adult.
Lord Jesus, you welcomed all who came into your presence.
May I reflect that same spirit through this Ministry of Hospitality.
May your light shine in my heart this day.
Remove from me anything that would stand in the way
of radiating your presence.
As people enter this Church to worship and praise You,
may they hear your voice in my words and see your love in my actions.
May my “welcome” reflect our joy at their presence
and my “good-bye” encourage them to return soon.
I thank you for the opportunity to serve you
and ask your blessing upon all of my efforts.
I ask this through our God who is the giver of all gifts.
We’d be glad to have you join our minsters of hospitality. Please visit our Contacts / Resources page to find the contact information for the ministers.