List of Current SCS Library Titles (PDF)
The library is comprised of over 1200 books, DVD’s and audio CD’s and is located on several bookshelves throughout the church gathering area. It consists almost entirely of donations from SCS parishioners.
Please refer to one of the white binders for an alphabetical listing of titles and the section in which each title can be found.
There is no specified borrowing period. Please return items in a timely manner to give others the opportunity to enjoy them.
To Borrow an Item:
• Fill out the index card inside the book, CD or DVD
• Place the card in one of the file boxes for checkout located on the bookshelves
To Return an Item:
• Place the item in one of the baskets marked “Returns/Donations” on the floor near the bookshelves
• Please do not place the item back on the shelf – it must be checked in by a volunteer before being reshelved
To Donate Items:
• Place all donations in one of the “Returns/Donations” baskets located near the bookshelves
• We currently accept donations of faith-based books, CD’s and DVD’s
• While we appreciate all donations, please note that due to space constraints, we cannot accept VHS or cassette tapes.
Contact Genevieve Samolewicz with questions or 610-779-1660.